Welcome Spring! Dressage
2019.03.23. 08:52
Welcome Spring! Dressage
- Als korhatr: 4 v
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Nevezsi lap:
>>lovad neve:
>>Kpek: (1db szintnek megfelel djlovas kpet krek)
1.hely: Extravaganza, Vanilla Phantom, Mysterieus, Golden Rubio, Rionnus, Sateen, Soveran, My Line, Cherry Millionaire, Destroyed Fears, Ramirez, Hidden Hunting, Alcahim Ibn Psyche, Mahir El Rayat B, Devoro los Pyramid, Falcao, Karabek Anchar, Nil, Donna's Lover, Ra's al Ghul
2.hely: Fever the Ghost, Silver Story, Kobalder, Rambi, My Romeo, Tanorra, Gondwana, Mrvny, Phaeros De'llana, Waterford, Magic Stone, Minted Design, Magistra FR, Ghost River, Gaudeamus, GW Vision, Dougless Song, Inner Chains 341, Comme la pre
3.hely: Jeopardy, Xantoxu, Cola, Sunrise, Mushroom, Proud Satisfaction, Halifax, North Pole, Heineken, Amos des Bois
1.hely: Impressario, Crescendo, Azazel, Nessy, Harlequin Yobbo, Syzygy, Buster, Hiding in Shadows, Domino Boy, Commander Flavour, Fornet Origin, Paragold, Cancri E, 10 Euros, Exodus, Puerto's Thunder, Apocalipt de Caballo, Static Boy, Bittersweet, Pippin, Nightmare 87
2.hely: Leroy d'Ecaussines, Deep Blue, Zara d'Argent, Puss in Boots, Fornet Revolutions, Eros des Bois, Maestoso Madame, El Hierro, Sao Paulo, Robillard du Roch, Grey Flanell
3.hely: Fatal Coyote, J'ai Cherch, Snow Freckless, Song of the Sky, Breaker of Chains, Distant Melange, Calimero Breezer, Covered with Chocolate
1.hely: Blackhawk, Solfeggietto, La Prise Memories, Cupido Love, Take a Dream, Biohazard Z, Voodoo Daddy
2.hely: Bailey, Random Neighbour, High Pleasure, Black Ruby, AAN Bimaal, Firework, Vancouver Onyx, Unicornio de Retiro, Escolar
3.hely: Caspien von Capilot, Santagero MN, Goldhunter, Crazy in Love, Euro Boy, Diamira, Adiamo D'ior, Bandido los Corazon
1.hely: Diabolical Creature, Martiana, Christmas Bells, The Golden Fox, Flanissimo, Blitz, White Knight, Crimson Strange, Mark of Cain, Dare to Dream, Great Dancing Sunlight
2.hely: Cherry Frost, Rebel Yell, Royal nCore, Amor, Top Queen H, Duinkerk, Foxhoof, Playboy, Juilliard d'Egalit, Crimson War, Win Willow, Traktor, Malachi, Apple Pie, Gargantua
3.hely: Not That Innocent, D. Salvatore, Migall, Scooby Doo, Broken Prince, Izochor, Frosted Witch, Bob Marley, Sub-Zero, Spat zu Bree, Something Special
1.hely: BEST + 100.000 lbp
2.hely: GOOD + 50.000 lbp
3.hely: NICE + 25.000 lbp
Abszolt gyztes: ELITE (+ az els helyezs nyeremnye)
Szemlyes kedvenc: Perfection's Favorite (+ a helyezse nyeremnye)