Summer Dressage Show
2017.06.13. 19:38
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Rascaciel - nem rtl neki kategrit!
1.hely: Dot to Dot, Regnar Villm, La Classica, Aladdin of Rohan, Charles, Buster, Bourbon, Massino Ibn Gamil, Carnegie, Donna's Lover, Wonderwall, Cupido de la Queen, Colorado Hans, Whya R Freedom, Alexander Wang, Quotenknig, Destroyed Fears, Cherry Millionaire, Flamini
2.hely: Changer la Vie Vent, Sharif Ibn Gamil, LaMarque, Aziz Aasifat, Lefty Bliss, Ehren Gold, Dancing for Rain, Wallhalla de Mithology, Secret, Keserv, Donnerhit's Girl, Everlade, Giorgio Armani, Sir Donnerhit, Sir Loverhit, Lieske, Siyah Tanri, Walt Disney, Alejandro, Ramirez, Spotted Wonder, Sir Murdoch, My Line, Gold Charm, Color de Rosa, Celbidas Interagro, Proud Satisfaction, Mrvny
3.hely: Wallflower, Lord Mefisto Breezer, Simfonia, Ecuador Delight, Lady Morgana, GW Oregon Vortex, Silver Story, Salbatore Asesinas 'Reyes, Golden Ayse, Mineral, Calypso, Chanel No.1, GW Amos des Bois, Sweet Wonder, Cream, Apache Skylight, Amerio von Zwart Swarovski, Blue Sky Pantomime, Forget Ariel, Lasting Love, Thorin (Windy), Magistra FR, Magical Stone, Evil Wolf, Lovin' Lady, Graphix, Minted Design, Waterford, Lekker Laaney, Buckmonster
1.hely: Inner Chains 341, Diamond Boy, Massive Moonlight, Pluto Virtuosa, Bittersweet, Hickory Dock, Nightmare 87, Wonderwall Carmen, Blacky Dream, Coureur des Bois, La Belle Luna CH, Lord Fairytale, Domino Boy, Bodyguard, Carousel, Fornet Origin, Giza Malaika
2.hely: Aerosmith of L'amour, Azazel, Solar Flare, Landella I., Days Are Numbered, Robillard du Roch, SEC Five Star, Lextus Z, Picasso, Dancing Prince, Vivaldi, Lovely Boy, Ma Girlfriend, Soda Pop, 55 Cancri E, Diamiria
3.hely: Fatal Coyote, Zara d'Argent, Song of the Sky, Breaker of Chains, PN HighFive, Fornet Revolution, Commander Flavour, Shattered Look, MA Sitron, Decoupage
1.hely: Arlando, Bostonic, Lord Targaryen, Mysterieus, Castellan 382, Aan Bimaal, Cupido Love, La Prise Memories, Solfeggietto, Apocalipt Hibiscus, Cockpit Champ Pro, Johnson TN
2.hely: Bukephalos, Vancouver Onix, Tuxedo W, Diamond Hit, Caspien von Capilot, Random Neighbour, Tiago Fantasy, PN Castrol, Liberty de L'Aumont, Belantis, Bonard de Charry
3.hely: Fuerts Rosengethar, Dante, Dream Big, Take a Dream, Firework, Black Jazz, Euro Boy
1.hely: Lacoste Enemy, Shake that Cream, Capone de Louppy, Can Dance, Diabolical Creature, Thorin, Golden Paradise, Dragon Heart, Shadow Gear, Nirvana, Golden West, Shaman, Solitaire Flemenco, Dare to Dream, Natiello de Paradise, Nastor 566, PN Royal Nostra, Legolas, White Knight, Badumm Tss, Flanissimo, Goose
2.hely: Monte de Fandango, Whispering Spirit, Glen of Aherlow, Kingmambo, Royal nCore, Dragon Caramell, Bob Sinclair R, Shaolin Cavallo, Crimson War, Traktor, Anatol, PN Cambaron, Foxhoof, Duinkerk, Blitz
3.hely: Gipsy King, Liaam Flores, Gina, Sweet Sally, Celery Dreams, Captain Morgan, Amadeus, Joker, Midnight Lady, Mon Linaro Florys, Sub-Zero, Dorien XVL, Shiva de Paradise, Deja Blue, Sasha B, Pebble SM, Deny n Ignite, Dare Winchester
1.hely: BEST, Best Dressage Horse in Perfections + 50.000 LBP
2.hely: GOOD, Good Dressage Horse in Perfections + 40.000 LBP
3.hely: NICE, Nice Dressage Horse in Perfections + 20.000 lbp
Szemlyes kedvenc: Perfection's Favorite + 10.000 LBP (+ az els hely nyeremnye)
Abszolz gyztes: ELITE, Absolute Winner in Perfections ( + az els hely nyeremnye)