Galopp in London
2016.06.06. 08:52
>> Nevezs <<
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- tblt tegytek ki
- zrjeles rszeket trljtek
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- aki nem olvassa ezt vgig, s hibsan nevez, kizrom ;)
London Eye (Sprint)
Tower Bridge (Rvidtv)
Big Ben (Kzptv)
Buckingham Palace (Hossztv)
Nevezsi lap
Oldal: (linkelve)
Neve: (box link NLKL)
Kpe: ( 1 db szakgas )
London Eye - Sprint ( 18 nevez)
1.hely |
2.hely |
3.hely |
1.futam |
White Chocolate |
Lovely Lears |
Dark Intention |
2.futam |
Prada |
Quazar |
Death Express |
3.futam |
Yasman Sonata |
Normandy Invasion |
Kiawa Kiss |
4.futam |
Pearl Harbor |
Infinte Beast |
Tyrell de Charmain |
5.futam |
Royal Secret |
Embarce the Evil |
Free Style |
6.futam |
Tencendur |
Stylestick |
Party Doll |
Tower Bridge - Rvidtv ( 18 nevez)
1.hely |
2.hely |
3.hely |
1.futam |
Frosty Satine |
Thunder Bird |
Ready for Toy |
2.futam |
Medaglia d'Oro |
Vinnige Story |
Essence of the Poison |
3.futam |
Fearless Fellow |
Vertical Limit |
Chemical Love Strike |
4.futam |
Chaotic Wind |
Infinity's Hall |
Sempiternal |
5.futam |
Mr. Migratory Comet |
Incognito |
Prince Gris y Hermoso |
6.futam |
Night Elves |
Rebellious Queen |
Paint Me Chrome |
Big Ben - Kzptv ( 28 nevez)
1.hely |
2.hely |
3.hely |
1.futam |
Epsom Achilles |
Hot Crocket |
Miss Aristocrat |
2.futam |
Hot Presso y Hermoso |
Empress Catia |
Lovestile |
3.futam |
Waffenrock |
Lonely Angel |
Comfort Zone |
4.futam |
Infernal Path |
Swap It Out |
Baron of Night |
5.futam |
Thunder Flower |
Be My Fairytale |
Freckled Warrior |
6.futam |
Cairo Prince |
Heaven Backwards |
Bodhisattva |
7.futam |
Evening Attire |
Robot's Bone |
Solair Minnie Dava |
8.futam |
Call Me Maybe |
Living's Evening |
Birdrun |
9.futam |
Miss Hot Royal Attire |
Stubborn Youngster |
- |
10.futam |
Crimson Memories |
Dazzling Gem |
- |
Buckingham Palaca - Hossztv ( 32 nevez)
1.hely |
2.hely |
3.hely |
1.futam |
Flawless Boy |
Fleet Street |
Besta la Rotta |
2.futam |
Black Poison |
Perfect Crime |
Bring Me Victory |
3.futam |
Crimson Day |
Story Teller |
Swift Dancer |
4.futam |
Tale of Hawthorn |
Hakuten |
Wild Child |
5.futam |
Silvery Moon |
Dritta la Rotta |
Crossfire |
6.futam |
Damsha Ghost |
Paranormal Angel |
Angove Fatrascal |
7.futam |
Heart on a Trigger |
Deathly Roger |
Kentucky Morning |
8.futam |
Hades de Norte |
Milagro Gris |
Wildcat Doll |
9.futam |
Evening Damsel |
Moonshine |
American Promise |
10.futam |
Jotunheim |
Chalsin Mircale |
Lady Eli |
11.futam |
Early Bird |
Nothing Lasts Forever |
- |
1. hely: 50.000 Ft + BEST
2. hely: 40.000 Ft + GOOD
3. hely: 20.000 Ft + NICE
Szemlyes kedvenc: 30.000 Ft + Perfection's Favorite (jr neki az els helyezett nyeremnyei is)
Abszolt gyztes: 60.000 Ft + ELITE (jr neki az els helyezett nyeremnyei is)